Thursday, October 20, 2011

It's ok I'm a P.E. teacher...

If you have seen the movie Dumb and Dumber you probably know the phrase
"its ok! I'm a limo driver!" 
As if Lloyd being a limo driver makes it ok for him to run onto the airplane.
Well, I've been feeling a lot like Lloyd lately, but in my own way.
By my own I mean I think that it is ok for me to do things because I am going to be a P.E. and health teacher.

Here are a few examples...
Firstly, I justify how comfortable I am with talking about how the body functions because I am going to be teaching health classes someday. I forget that some people aren't comfortable talking about bodily functions (poop) quite like I am. If they ask about my openness, usually in disgust, my response is usually "Oh, it's ok I'm going to be a health teacher." My roommates have gotten to know this fact about me really well in these 2 months of school!

Next, I justify looking like this EVERYDAY!
My hair is always in a ponytail and a headband. On Monday and Wednesday I have a softball/soccer/basketball class that requires me getting pretty sweaty. Therefore; I don't get ready very much those days. Tuesday and Thursday classes are a different story. I have regular classes those days, but I do go to the gym in the middle of the afternoon. So I get ready for the day, go to classes, go to the gym, and for the rest of the day I look like the above picture. 
But hey, ponytails are perfectly ok if you're going to become a P.E. teacher!

Funny story: last week I went to get my hair trimmed. While my stylist, Natalie, was cutting the bottom layer she asked me "Do you wear your hair up a lot?" My response "um, ya. How did you know?" She says "well, your hair is starting to grow up and not down." And of course my response was "It's ok I'm going to be a P.E. teacher."
 Well moral of the story...I probably shouldn't wear so many ponytails.

The last example has to do with my clothes. I try to do laundry about once a week. When I say try I mean have to do laundry once I week. I don't have many clothes left at the end of the week. And when I say clothes I mean t-shirts, basketball or running shorts, sweat pants, and sports bras. I usually wash about 2 pairs of jeans a week and 1 one nice shirt, but I always have a full hamper. You want to know what I say to that? "It's ok I'm going to be a P.E. teacher!"
           These are my t-shirt and sweat pant/ basketball short drawers. There are over flowing! I have way to many pairs of shorts and sweat pants and definitely way too many t-shirts!
This is my collection of my newest obsession...RUNNING SHORTS! Oh how I love them. I go on a weekly trip to Kohl's to see if they have any new ones on clearance. If you count correctly there are 7 pairs of running shorts in that picture, and that is not counting the 3 pairs in the hamper and the pair I am wearing while writing this post. But hey, "It's ok I'm going to be a P.E. teacher!"

And here we have my beloved t-shirt drawer. It really is crazy to think of how many t-shirts I have. Most of them are USU or Yankee ones to be honest, but I have a good stack from high school too. To be honest I probably go through 3 t-shirts a day. 

"It's ok I'm going to be a P.E. teacher!" is my favorite phrase these days. I say it to myself and out loud to others. I love that this one phrase justifies everything I do with my life! 


  1. You may want to start adding the phrase "It's ok...I'm going to be single forever."

  2. Ouch, that comment hurt Amanda! It's ok, she said that phrase a lot to herself "It's ok...I'm going to be single forever." Boom, roasted.

    It's ok- I love wearing sweats and t-shirts, too. I can do that as a mom though and feel totally justified. It's expected of me, really. But I refuse to wear "mom jeans" although compared to you hip kids these days, my "cool" jeans are probably, sadly, mom jeans anyways. My favorite phrase is "It's ok, I'm a mom." You are totally going to be a Mrs. Johnson soon. She wore slickies and sweat shirts to school everyday and we teased her about it all the time, but man, what a life!

    Oh- and post more often, will you?? You're funny and entertaining.
