Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A prayer answered

After a little over a month in Primary Children's this little boy, Jackson Blake, is coming home today! I'm so happy that this day is finally here, and so sad that I'm not there to help and hug and kiss this little boy! This has been a hard time for my family, but especially hard on my sister Amanda. I admire her so much for the way she handled this; not only for the month since Jax has been in the hospital, but since she found out that there was a possibility that he could have a problem.

When Amanda first told me about Jackson's problem I knew I wanted to stay in Logan for the summer, but I couldn't do that without a full time job. I looked and looked, but nothing ever came about. It broke my heart when I had to take this job in Alaska, but I knew I had to take it. I accepted this job with a lot of faith and a lot of prayer. Faith in my family to get through this, faith in the nurses and doctors to put this sweet baby back together, and most importantly faith in and prayers to my Heavenly Father that he would watch over little Jackson, his parent, and his sweet brother Carter. My prayers were answered and little Jackson gets to come home. He is far from healed, but coming home makes him just that must closer to being recovered. Can't wait until August 25th when I come home to see you Jackson, Carter, Amanda, and even Neil! Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. We miss you too and wish you were here. We'd put you right to work. So much in fact, that Alaska would seen easy!
