Wednesday, July 27, 2011

one month...

it's official, i made it one month in alaska.
which to some may not be surprising, but i would just like to say that there were a lot of people out there betting on how long i could make it in alaska and i think the highest bet was two weeks.

so i proved you wrong, and yea, i'm kinda proud of myself.

but anyways, i'm done talking about all you non believers. my month in alaska has definitely been one to remember. i've laughed, cried, made new friends, and learned a lot of new things about myself.

some things that i love about alaska...

-i love that i can be whoever i want up here. nobody here remembers the awful picture i had in second grade, or my awesome poofy bangs. (which i rocked by the way.) nobody here cares and it's like having a new start.
-i love taking runs in alaska. it is so pretty.
-i love that i can now officially say that i have had a "real" job. (sarah, i totally consider you a real job but some didn't...a.k.a. my parents.)
-i love the fact that i am living with cath. (she just told me to put that.) but in all reality i am glad that i got to come up with her. it's been a blast. she's taught me a lot and helped me with even more.
-i love that i've finally learned to speak up for myself. usually i just do what people want unless i get super mad, but up here that has all changed.
-i love that i have become somewhat independent. i've been scared to go anywhere alone, i even make my mom return things for me because i get too scared. alaska has changed that...kinda. when i first got up here i followed cath everywhere. yes, i still follow her around a lot, but i am getting so much better.
-i love that i can manage my own money. i've learned the importance of saving instead of spending.
-i really love these guys.

i love the friends i've made up here and i will definitely be sad when i have to say goodbye to them.

-and most of all i've learned to appreciate them.

and i really cannot wait to see them again.

some things i don't love so much about alaska.

-the food. it's fish, or deep fat fried. and i miss my mother's cooking.
-the public bathrooms. (i bet nobody saw that one coming.)
-the fact that i miss my heels, nail polish, and hair bows every single day. because i know that these little babies are missing me just as much as i am missing them.

-i hate that i can't go on the river to jetski and boat everyday.
-i hate missing my friends.
-i hate that alaska has no taco bandido.
-i hate fish.
-and most of all i hate that i can't talk to my mom everyday face to face.

but even though i hate and miss a lot of things i am grateful that i had the opportunity to come to alaska and experience all of the things i was able to.

so all in all one month down...29 days to go.

but who's counting? [: 

1 comment:

  1. okay step one Sarah was not a real job let's be honest here!! Step two about time you learn to speak up for yourself ha just kidding!! Step three your friends miss you mostly just me, but im sure others do too!! Oh and Alaska isn't cool enough to have Taco Bandido!! So hurry home so we can eat there...and invite David ;)!! ha ha love and miss you girl!!!
