Saturday, July 2, 2011

so far...

well I arrived in valdez. Let's just say seeing catherine was fabulous! i'll be honest though, alaska isn't really as bad as i thought it was going to be. cath and i have gone running and i love it! it is so pretty here and i love being able to run and just look at all of it.
This waterfall is probably my favorite place. It is so pretty and so relaxing and i seriously just love being here.

we've also met some fabulous new friends. very VERY different from people i'm used to, but so funny. they love to plank, give foot massages, and use our laptops and wifi.
first there's erik. a little about him, he's a creep. seriously he goes through our bags, drawers, texts, pictures, etc. ALL of the time. luckily he feels very comfortable around us. he let us know this by farting right in front of us on just the third day of knowing him. his voice cracks in the middle of about every sentence. it provides us with tons of laughs and even better jokes. he's a little attached to cath, and that is hilarious! 

then theres george. one word: slammin. george has a six pack (he won't show us but we've heard stories.) george long boards, loves the outdoors, is a little quiet, and will facebook creep you even if you're sitting right next to him.
next we have Garth. Garth loves to straighten his hair because he says that straightening his hair is better for the body and soul.... He can beat box and it is legit as it gets and he hopes to become a famous Rap artist someday and record his own album "Teddy Bear". He is the funniest kid i know and is hilarious, and is basically a thug and a straight up G 
last there's ashton. ashton has a foot fettish, bad. he will ALWAYS give foot massages and would absolutely LOVE to paint either cath or my toes. he's a band geek, has a band, knows how to sing, play the piano, guitar, and about every brass instrument known to man.

They all: have man crushes on steve. wish they were steve.and think steve walks on water.

and yes, that was a poker game in the photo above. they've taught us lots a good and valuable games...the stakes were high that night with swedish fish, m&m's, jolly ranchers, and goldfish....(don't worry mom, the snacks you send will not be used in poker. they will be stashed away in one of our drawers for just cath and i...well and erik because the kid WILL creep our stuff and he WILL find them. awesome.)

we learned our lesson on poker though...during the game the doctor pepper spilled and it got all over cath's ensign...and my i-pod. (no worries mom it still works.)

we're getting used to no privacy...thanks erik, sharing, small bedrooms, and being bffs...mostly because the men tend to stare ALL the time, and it creeps me out. so i've become catherine's little puppy dog. following her EVERYWHERE! luckily cath has lots of patience and doesn't act like it bothers her. 

my biggest trial is the public bathrooms. i have a really REALLY bad germ problem. so the bathrooms and showers creep me out. if you know me very well you know exactly what i am talking about. one thing i cannot wait for when i get home is my bathroom that nobody uses and i don't have anxiety attacks everytime i walk in there. luckily there is soap and germ x everywhere here...thank heavens.

the food. well, i've learned the system. breakfast is always the same, and that is good. lunch depends on the day, and dinner usually is a type of fish. so basically i hope there is an ok lunch, skip dinner, then fill up on breakfast. the stores here are a joke. the cheapest subways is $8.50 and a box of wheat thins is $5.00 so treats or buying food is basically out of the question.

work starts at 7 everyday. that means that if i've skipped dinner i HAVE to be up at 6 or i miss breakfast and i could go hungry all day. so alaska has definitly taught me the worth of sleep. we're in bed at ten every night. mom i already know you're shocked at that news but seriously, it's true.

well it's time for a nap now. life is good.

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